What sets J Foster Homes apart from other Restoration Contractors?
Our Process. While every project we take on is unique, the process that we have developed over years of restoration project remains the same.
This process begins with bidding and planning. We offer complimentary visits and basic estimates for projects so that our clients can get an idea of what their projects entail.
The next step is a detailed estimate including cost breakdowns and allowance for each element of the job. During this process we will consult with the architect and the owners to discuss any potential issues that we may encounter during the construction process and account for them in the estimation. We also meet with each of our subcontractors and vendors on site to get detailed estimations based on the plans as well as the existing conditions. This step is crucial to restoration projects as often times estimations that are solely based on architectural plans do not take into account many of the items that we may encounter in an old home such as out of plumb walls, electrical or plumbing issues that will need to be brought to code or items that should be addressed during the construction process because of cost benefit analysis. During this process we will also have our local vendors develop basic materials lists for all allowance items so that our clients can get an idea of materials and costs before visiting showrooms to lock down the final decisions.
At J Foster Homes we feel that more details that we can establish during this process the more efficiently and cost effectively the project will run. Ultimately saving our clients time and money.
Once the building process begins our clients will be able to log in to our website to see all the details of their project on their own personalized project management site. This site features daily job logs, progress photos, an interactive timeline, and most importantly the ability for clients, subcontractors and vendors to communicate on one platform.
Ready to start your restoration project?
Reach out to us by
Phone: (617) 828-8519
Email: info@jfosterhomes.com